
I’m surprised that the success of this itinerant having camped unhindered at the side of Middle Meadow Walk for over a fortnight hasn’t attracted a few more friends in tents to join him. In fact he did have someone yesterday whom he entertained and who later sat and begged on the path but who hadn’t the energy to put his empty whisky bottle in the nearest bin, leaving it instead in situ for the bin men. For all I know, he might have been inside the tent overnight while his host slept outside.

Whatever the sleeping arrangements it must have been lovely to wake up in sunshine with the birds singing overhead. I am just surprised that the graffiti artists who have covered every surface in the surrounding area with their handiwork haven’t paid his tent a visit yet.

There was still sunshine on offer when a school friend came to visit. I met her last August when HL was in the hospice for pain control and her husband was in the same ward. She is having a hard time visiting him every day now that he has been moved to a nursing home and quite poorly. Life can be so unfair.

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