Fish and Chips for Dinner

Today was about as good as it gets. The weather was pristine for most of the day. No wind and the tides were good as well. Perfect for fishing.

This is my biggest Flathead to date. 58cm. Right now there are some big fillets in the fridge alongside a couple of Whiting as well. I caught in on live bait, Yabbies (small crayfish). The Yabbies I pumped myself this morning at low tide. Hard work in thick mud but as you can see from the photo it paid off. AN hour of Yabbieing and a lot of sweat = fish for dinner. This wasn't my only fish. As I said, I have 2 beautiful whiting in the fridge as well but I also caught a number of other fish which were borderline legal.

So today was pretty much all about fishing and things fishing related.

I took a whole lot of really nice pics this morning while gathering bait but considering the occasion and the fish I decided to use this one.

I did feed, walk and bath the dog as well so I can't say I have been totally selfish.

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