Beat that, Uri!

This morning I set about 'tidying' my house again. We all know that when one begins to tidy, generally the house becomes a huge mess. Well, mine is no exception. Be thankful you're not here, Rae!

It was el scorchio, and Cousteau and I turned down a beach walk, as I knew there would be heaps of people down there, and it is never much fun walking with a big dog when the beach is packed.

So we tidied, Cousteau and me. Well, he lay on his bed and watched me tidy, and I tidied.

JL came around in the afternoon and trimmed the hedge and some of the trees on my property. I went around after her with a wheel barrow and picked all the bits up. My muscles will be aching tomorrow, for sure.

The place looks heaps better, and I am so grateful to her for her help on her day off.

She also assisted me in the jigsaw puzzle which is my laundry.

Anyway, back to the hammers. JL was using my wee hammer (which she actually gave me when I moved into my house three years ago. It is the baby of the one that she has in her other hand). She was taking nails out of an old pallet, when suddenly she exclaimed that she had bent my hammer! Doesn't know her own strength, that one!

Of course, it had to become my blip of the day. It made me think of Uri Geller, which doesn't happen that often, I can assure you.

I'd better jump through the shower now; I'm very sweaty and am going to the movies with the boys tonight. Some 3D cartoon (Ralphsomethingorother). No-one would want to sit next to me right now.

I also have to figure out where my bed is amongst all the stuff I've 'tidied'. Half an hour before I'm being picked up. Better find some dinner too. Good job I'm not high maintenance.

Oh, btw, I've just reached 804800 views! Wowsers. 4 more please, to make it a really neat looking number!

Night all.


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