Crown Vetch...

...taken on the way home from the hospital in one of the fields near our house. Thanks to Miranda for her wildflower challenge! I went this morning to see my nephew, who is still pretty groggy and in a lot of pain. His surgery lasted 6 hours, as he'd fractured the lower lumbar area of his back; the neurosurgeon put in a rod and 7 screws to hold it together. She said he was incredibly lucky, because had it fractured another inch and a half higher he would have been paralyzed, but he's moving all his extremities and has no numbness or tingling in any of them, so that's a huge relief. He of course has bumps and bruises all over, but all in all, it could have been a lot worse. All those prayers coming in really helped!  When the therapist came to work with him, my sister, my niece & I went for a late lunch, & then I headed home. Amazing how tired you can get just from sitting. :))

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