Back in Glasgow and Ministry again

I got up when Neil left and celebrated my first day freedom :)
I worked on my website, which is hopefully better soon. at the moment it is still a bit messy.
I signed up for some French organisation providing photography assignments. After filling in all the information it was leading to a photography quiz to probably check if you know what you are doing! Some of the questions I had to google - what the hell is an "American Shot" in portraiture?
When I found out (its a French term for a shot from knees up - much used in American Wild West movies) and went back to the test, I realised it was put on a time limit and I had 1 minute left ... oooops. So the rest was done rather quickly .... Let's see if I passed!
I also phoned Canon Professional Services, as I need to get my 5 D serviced. I will send it away tomorrow.

I went out briefly down to Queen Margaret Drive. I wanted to check with Jim if he might fancy coming with me to the gig tonight. The shop was closed already, so I texted him.
Well - Industrial Metal was not his choice for the evening .... I could have guessed.
I got ready and started waking to the venue. I somehow missed the right way and ended in a Cul de Sac! I had to walk a long way back to get on the right street although I was already really close! Annoying! 
I missed the first song or so from 3 Teeth, but got all the rest! They were good!
I had a chat with Andrew from Kuro, who I photographed a few month back after the Krow gig. He works for the promoter and promised me some photo passes in the future, and introduced me to his friends as an amazing photographer :)  ... This I need to hear a bit more often, really helpful for self confidence as now self-employed photographer :)
Ministry was awesome. I was right in the front left and could see everything. I even got a trophy! The guitarist threw one of his picks at me :) It fell on the floor of course, but I hunted it down. Its even Ministry branded with his name on ;)  Happy girl! This is my very first Concert trophy!!
After the gig I was knackered! a lot of dancing!
I walked towards home but then got a taxi for the last bit. 
Neil was gaming in front of his computer and was rather unsocial.
I was slightly deaf and did not care :)

Blipping the Hidden Dram - our local beer shop. Far too expensive for my taste.

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