An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Keeping her ear to the ground...


David was up and out by 7.30am as he was playing in an invitational at the Royal Burgess in Edinburgh.  The weather was lovely and he didn't relish the thought of playing in long trousers so he was delighted to discover that short socks are acceptable with shorts, as there's no way he would have worn long ones!  I'd have paid good money to laugh at see him in shorts and long socks!  :-)))

Andrew stayed with us overnight so I was also up early and downstairs making him his beloved French toast.  Decided to have some myself since I was making it anyway.  Think that's the third time I've had it this week!  Andrew's fault entirely :-)

Andrew's mum came to collect him at 1.00pm, but not before we had a date in the diary for his return.  He always makes sure there's a date in the diary before he leaves!

The house seemed quiet without him but not for long, because as Andrew left, my blip pal Peter arrived.  One in lol!

We had a lovely catch up over lunch and well into the afternoon.  David returned from the golf having enjoyed it (yay!) and wasn't long back when the rain started pouring down, followed by massive thunderclaps and bolts of lightening!  It would rumble off into the distance then return with a vengeance.

Meanwhile, this was Lola.  Unfazed by all the thunder!  There was one particularly loud moment accompanied by forked lightening just above the house, where she stopped pestering Peter to play for a second and looked up at the roof light, then it was business as usual.  The rest of the time she was having a snooze on the floor.  

I am so thankful that she's unfazed by thunder (and fireworks) as I know lots of dogs get very stressed and anxious by them.  She's just a chilled out girl.  I genuinely believe her lack of fear comes from her seeing only good in the world and in all people.  She really does think everyone she meets (and every dog) is her best friend.  I hope that will be her life long experience.  

Dinner followed by more chat and some telly, then more chat.

A lovely, relaxed day.  Thanks Peter.  Just what I needed :-))

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