
By FrankS


It was a much better day, weather-wise, today. The sun was actually shining in a blue sky as I took Dylan for his morning walk, just a bit cold in the December wind, but then it is December, and nearly the end of the month, the end of the year and the end of the only New Year's resolution I have ever made, and actually kept, so long as I manage something tomorrow.

I know I've been a little coffee obsessed over the year, the subject has tended to crop up in a fair few of my blips, so I guess that it's only fitting I should finish the year in a consistent manner and let you know I had a very nice cup of coffee with Ann and Emma in Nero this morning.

The photograph was taken on the way home whilst we were passing the RSC. As usual Ann and Emma are way ahead of me nattering away whilst I linger over this shot and that shot and eventually have to catch up with them.

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