
By biddy

A morning visitor.

Once again I find myself sitting here just having had my breakfast, with the patio window wide open, and indeed the kitchen windows, on a day we are scheduled for high temperatures. 
I watered the garden at 7.00 am. 
The early morning air was fresh and cool. 
As I finished with the hose, I noticed what I took to be a small frog in the dish of water left out for the birds.
On closer inspection it turned out to be a young newt. 
He was having difficulty climbing out. So I will have to find a shallower one to put there. 
I helped him out, left him to settle a bit, and eventually took his photo. 
I know he does not look tiny, but I can assure you he is not much longer than my index finger.
     Our next door neighbours to the right have got a garden pond and we sometimes have visiting frogs. 
Doughnut our next door to the left, neighbours' cat is a frequent visitor too, as a few of you already have seen in my blips. He came in for some love and attention earlier, then went out again! 
A day so far of comings and goings then! 
 Hubby left for his latest session of umpiring shortly after breakfast.
This time it is a Warwickshire County Cricket Junior game.
At least the high temperature forecast today will not peak until mid-afternoon. Standing as an umpire in the heat of the day can be challenging! 

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