The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Cottage in Lower Street

First day of the summer holidays! I wasn't feeling over the moon, because a few tricky situations have cropped up lately, but I got up and about, while Steve arranged a vet's appointment for Bomble. He's been very sneezy lately.

Steve's friend Camilla took me down (I could actually walk, but Bomble's heavy and it's been stunningly hot lately). The vet said that his recurrent chest infections could be the result of FIV (AIDS for cats) but that his chest is sounding ok. There's no point in having a test, because it's incurable. And he's 16. So he got another antibiotic jab and a worming tablet, and that was another £63. The vet used the phrase 'palliative care'. Big 'Oh No'. I can feel the tears already.

Bomble behaved well throughout. Camilla came back for coffee, then she drove me to the second hand bookshop, where I got £8 for some old books that had been lying around for a year. I bought some cycling shorts to wear around the home. It's too hot to wear proper clothes.

My phone rang. A lady in a suburb of Gloucester really wants me to look after her children. I checked the buses. From 4th August there will be no direct bus connection between Stroud and her suburb. It's not do-able. Back story: I have an invisible disability called dyspraxia (literally, failure to do, in Greek) that means I can't plan well, and this means I have never succeeded in learning to drive.

I think:
Oh well, look for the positive: no antisocial hours. And I have a market stall this Saturday. And maybe a car boot sale on Sunday. Maybe another £20.
In my Life Plan, I was never 55 and Skint. Maybe because that's because I never had a Life Plan. Oops.

I spent the afternoon staring at the computer screen. In the course of this I had some startling revelations. Maybe there is a way forward. Maybe more to be said about this later.

The internet gave me a recipe for chicken satay. Thanks to my first ever free home delivery from a well known frozen foods store, I had a large supply of peanut butter. Cooking was a cinch. I really must stop buying cookery books!

In other news, I found a delightful summer dress that I bought last year and never wore because it was too spotty for Spain. Now that it's summer again, I shall certainly wear it.

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