
Chinwaggery with the finance sub-committee as we grandly call ourselves, over at the Bell Block. We’re running a huge profit which would greatly piss off the members, but a clever series of future liabilities, which will almost certainly never arise, will once again reveal a very tight operating margin.
Up town to meet McC the elder and the SK at the Assembly Hall to see "What Girls Are Made Of" - the rather fabulous true story of Cora Bissett and her brief period of fame with Darlingheart. And some extremely touching memories of her Dad. Afterwards a pint or two under the watchful gaze of Mr Knox, joined by MsMcC, extra extraordinaire.
Much later, a trip to see Midsommar taking us through to 1am. What can I say? That is some shit that goes down there. Run away people, run away now!!

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