Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

More bubble snails

Haminoea vesicula.  
The kids a few days ago took go pro photos of these creatures underwater at a low tide in the eel grass in our bay. (blip)   Today I managed a row in-between windy periods and got a really good look during another low tide so thought I’d blip a larger photo and a good link.  the best with pictures is this…  so interesting that this is just the right time of year for all these little egg cases to be produced..I can’t imagine if they all turn into snails, there will be zillions,  The snails are hemaphrodites and either can be the female ..lots of mating going on right now and the female glues the yellowish egg coil to a piece of eelgrass.  I chose this photo because I think that is the snail below the water lower left corner and the thumbnail.  Just deposited the coil above???  It takes a month for the eggs to mature so I will be be looking then. Interesting too because in another eel grass bed elsewhere there are none of these to be seen.   Extra: a sense of scale with my oar.

Our boat visitors left early this morning going north so we have some days to ourselves now…they’ll probably stop on their way back.

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