A Success and Another Trip to the River

The exhibition was a raging success....there were so many people it was hard to move at one stage....and after a couple of glasses of champers I felt a bit more able to chat to folk ...which was fabulous cause that was the thing I was mostly worried about being such a hermit these days.
I have to say I had a lot of support...a couple of my dear friends drove for ages to come to the show and stayed the night....some others came out of the woodwork and of course Jaiya and the little man  were there also...(extra)..so all in all it was rather fabulous.

The town and galleries were humming with folk as there were a couple of other exhibitions happening not far away...one of which I had my self portrait in ( extra). Not many pics were taken there was too much going on......they were just an after thought really.

The curator of the first show asked me where I had been as there were folk that liked my work and wanted to meet me...of course I was hooting between the two exhibitions meeting more friends and  fueled up on champers by then. Jaiya was proud of me because I behaved myself (she is so prudish at times).

Dinner at the Sushi place and home to drink more champers and talk with friends well into the night. I actually woke without a headache this morning.....bonus.....just feeling a bit tired...but with enough energy to drive to the park for a walk by the river.....then on the way home a Beetle dropped a bomb that brought tears to the eyes.... woke us all up out of our reverie made us all open the windows for a blast of cold air and pull our jumpers up over our noses.

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