Hopping Through

AW spotted him so I ran in to get the camera and he was still there.  Right after I took the shot, off he hopped.

Spent the day doing a lot of housekeeping -- laundry, vacuuming, dishes, clearing away stuff, and, as well, packing my suitcase.  It'll be an early morning tomorrow.  Was also able to buy the gifts for the friend I'll be visiting -- not the Countess but an ex-colleague of mine whom I'll call the Singer.  You'll see where.  It was a last-minute idea because AW has opted to spend more time resting his back and getting some more things done in connection with the blockhut (a.k.a. shed).  Anyway, I want to put the gifts in the check-in luggage instead of buying them at the airport and carrying them the whole time.

Update on MNL -- The Viking will try another address.  Should Jay not be present there as well, the case will go 'into publication' -- will appear in the newspapers -- with a court order issued to Jay, requiring him to appear at a specified time and place.  Should he not do so, the entire estate will be put under curatorship, with or without his approval and even with or without his knowledge.  The Viking said that Jay had better cooperate, for his own good.  Otherwise, I will win by default.  The Viking is now preparing an Affidavit of Adverse Claim for me.

But first ... this holiday.  When I return, the Countess will come for a visit -- hurrah! -- and then AW and I might go away for a week as well.  In between all that, I'll need to have the affidavit notarized and authenticated at the Phil embassy, a double whammy to be sure we fulfill all legal requirements.

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