Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

After the charity car wash

This is my neighbour Tim, who is outside the pub enjoying a drink with friends and family. They were all involved in the Charity Car Wash at the village hall today and tell me it was a successful event. I forgot about it otherwise I would have been there with my camera.

I was out for a short walk this evening. Arth had a bit of a jolt on Thursday while I was running downstairs to answer the door to the family. Something gave way - we both yelped with pain - and he swelled up. I think he is settling. (I obviously spoke too soon when I mentioned how well he was doing....)

All was OK tonight.

In my kitchen I now have a large number of plastic boxes and lids that do not match. How does that happen? I'm not keeping them if I can't find the opposite half, but where could they be?

In cat news - I can report that Oscar is finally allowing me to touch him. For about a month he has accepted a passing stoke while I dish out the treats. Yesterday I was allowed to stroke him down his back and tail, while he was eating. Today I was even allowed to briefly touch his head. We have had the cats for 18 months and knew we needed to be patient. Perhaps he will be a lap cat in his old age!!

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