Al Fresco

I had a lazy morning, meaning to but not quite getting round to sorting everything out from our weekend away.
There was a bit more TV watching and the drinking tea than tidying!
It was a busier afternoon. First of all I had Miss E's Year 6 Leavers' Assembly. It was quite sweet - their form teachers gave them each a goodbye card in turn and said some nice things about them. 
Mrs C, who's daughter is going to the same school as Miss E next year, casually asked if I was going to the Parents induction evening there tonight. Shit, shit, shit I'd forgotten all about it!!
The first thing I have to do at the new school and I forget!!!!!
It was just for parents so I rang my dad and asked could he come up after the shop and babysit for a bit.  Thankfully he said yes so there was just time to dash home, cook them some dinner and head off to the school.
Mrs A was there - my favourite mum from Miss L's school!! Her son - who was in Miss E's class when she was there - is going to the same school. Whoop whoop!!! 
Her daughter has been there for five years so she knows what she's doing. And introduced me to Miss E's new head of year which was nice.
It was exciting hearing about how it all works and what they can expect. I think - hope - it's going to be fantastic for Miss E!!
Home to relieve Papa and collapse on the sofa for a bit more Suits watching.

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