I was wandering around the garden first thing this morning - and I was fully dressed, which is quite unusual for me, as you will know, but we have workmen coming soon and I need to make them their bacon butties before they start work - so a vision of me in my pink robe is probably not something they want to see!

I saw lots of snails around, so sent them over the fence to greener pastures - where do they all come from?  I was then walking along the front of the border and saw lots more snails and slugs, and then I saw two slugs draped around each other - never having seen this before, I called Mr. HCB over to ask him what he thought they were doing - he walked over and, calm as you like, said “They’re mating” and walked off towards the garage!  

Suffice to say I didn’t want that sort of behaviour going on in our garden, so asked him where he was going.  He said he was going to get something to eject them from the garden and at the same time to give them membership of the “Mile High Club” - and I’m sure you don’t need me to explain what that is!  I doubt they thought they would get their fifteen minutes of fame on Blip doing this!  I won’t go into the details of how slugs mate, but you can look it up if you are interested - it is fascinating!

Decided to use this as my Blip for today - just a shame it’s not Silly Saturday, but have put in as an extra what I was originally going to Blip for Tiny Tuesday - a beautiful Borage flower - and you can see why they are called Starflowers.

“…..in gardens, beauty is a by-product; 
     the main business 
          is sex and death…..”
Sam Llewelyn : The Sea Garden

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