Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Not a hummingbird!

This lovely little flycatcher is an Eastern Wood Pewee, my 38th yard bird to be blipped this year.  This is a hatch-year bird, and he seemed to be on a mission to go after the tufted titmice, for reasons unknown.  Actually, it was a bad day for the poor titmice because that adorable little juvenile male hummingbird that I've been loving so much these last few days rained terror on one particular titmouse.  He chased in all over the yard, dive-bombed it, and then chased it some more.  Heaven only knows why.  I sometimes think the hatch-year birds are all amped up on hormones this time of year.  

This morning's snake-quest was a rousing success!  After clambering over rocks and boulders up a steep incline, and after searching around for a while, we found not one, but TWO beautiful copperheads tucked back in a rock crevace.  Funny thing was that neither of us realized there were two in there until I looked at the photos later.  To get the pictures, I was lying flat on my belly on a huge boulder while George shone a torch into the crevice - neither of us could really see given the odd angle.  I will definitely make a return visit.  In the meantime, do have a look at Extra and notice the head of the second snake to the far right of the frame.

Still loads of hummers in the garden.  I was out in the rain photographing them for a while, experimenting with flash.  One of my experiments can be seen HERE on Flickr - an adult male hummer.

Off to the gym this afternoon and some errands.  


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