Once Upon A Time In Yarmouth

When the rain is lashing down on an August day and you are on the Isle of Wight there are two must does.

Firstly you have to drop in to the Women's Institute weekly baking  and produce sale. But don't leave it too late or my sister will have got there first and snapped up all the best cakes. I raced into Yarmouth after her. I passed her as she was going home, shopping bag bulging. But I found that there were still some goodies left. And bumping in to Tina, who had hosted a fun dinner the night before, I was given advice on what I should also purchase. So I added various other items to the basket. A great sale set up.

Then secondly you go to the cinema. But go in the morning because everyone gets in their car on a day like this and the main town rapidly gets gridlocked. So we found ourselves in the first release showing of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. What a brilliant, fun, rollercoaster film. Highly entertaining. Laughs and violence, often both at the same time. I can highly recommend it.

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