An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

World Photography Day...


And all I managed was this emergency flower blip.  

Must. Try. Harder.

Not much worth noting about today other than to say the ironing is still not done, but on a more positive note, Kirsten started back with us again this evening.  She's so lovely and has been missed greatly by us and Alan.

It goes without saying that Alan was delighted to see her and spent the whole evening laughing and generally full of the joys.  

Kirsten has treated herself to a new pair of "work slippers"  (hahaha...there can't be many jobs that require that as part of the kit! :-) that have rubber soles and we were all falling about laughing at the noise they made on the floor tiles.  Like suction cups!  You could hear her coming a mile off!  

Once Alan was in bed, she popped through to say goodnight to us before she headed off.  She is just as happy to be back as we are to have her.  It's  like she's never been away.  I hope she's with Alan for a long time as she really is so lovely and very good at her job.

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