Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Flowers from Australia

My cousin, Margaret and husband, Peter, are lovely when it comes to special occasions. They have arranged for this gorgeous bouquet to arrive in advance of Mum's birthday next week.

There may well be more flowers then, so it's good to enjoy these now.

I've been clearing the dining room, ready for next week's "party", but that means that my study is back to chaos again. When will it all come to an end I wonder?!

I've been sorting maps today and some will go to the charity shop. It's very hard to part with them. I might go to this or that place again someday (and the roads will have changed by then of course)!

Sad news today. My very special friend, Hyla, sent a message to warn me of his impending demise. His health has been failing slowly, but somehow, I felt he was going on for ever. I would have loved to see him again. We were GPs together in the 1980s and he was a huge support when I was first depressed.

The national news is just too depressing. I understand that a solution is required for the Brexit impasse, but closing Parliament cannot be the right way to do this. 

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