Kloostermolen, Garrelsweer

Drone flying again today!
I hadn't planned anything today, except for sleeping long and a few minor chores at home, but things changed a bit when Herman texted that the weather conditions looked good for a sunset shoot.
Who can say no to that! It's always nice to go out for a proper photo shoot, but above that it has been way too long since I'd seen Herman.

So, plans were made and halfway the afternoon Ron joined in on the trip as well. Great! After 7 months we would be on a joint photo shoot again. After Scotland back in January we hadn't been together any more.

The windmill 'Kloostermolen' in Garrelsweer was the chosen destination. After studying it on google maps I knew it wouldn't be the easiest location, but I was ready to give it a try.

I arrived at the scene shortly after Herman at 19.00. He was still changing his shoes when I parked behind him. Shortly after that Ron arrived as well.
We walked towards the mill and once there we all went our separate photo ways. 

After a few shots with my DSLR, shooting the mill from behind with the setting sun in the background I took my drone out.

There was no wind, no high things anywhere near and the light was pretty good, so it was a very relaxed flight. I got some nice results from it in return.

It was a nice evening to be out shooting with the men, and we all came to the conclusion we should do this more often again. A 7 months gap is simply too big.

When I saw the photos from my DSLR on the computer screen my fears became truth. While driving home I realized I made a mistake while taking the photographs. I didn't think of the distortion of my wide angle lense. It did cross my mind shortly but I then forgot all about it again, until I was driving home. By then it was too late. 

Since I positioned the mill 1/3 into the frame on most compositions, this distortion became really obvious. The flagpole right next to the mill accentuated it even more. Stupid me! What a beginner's mistake. Fortunately I have my drone shots as well.

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