Shanghai Bund by Night

We spent most of today exploring downtown Shanghai with our tour leader. The views along the riverfront (The Bund) are fabulous by day, but looked even better when we returned after our farewell dinner this evening. Photographs struggle to do it justice but I did my best with the main blip.
We were surprised this morning to see several loads of washing hung on drying racks along the edge of main roads in the city - presumably a manifestation of the crowded quarters in which many locals have to live. The first extra shows this. Hopefully the clothes don't get too dirty again with exhaust fumes.
The second extra is of an old chap who was busy on his boat near the city centre. I particularly liked his traditional hat - of which we've seen quite a lot on this trip.
Officially our China Tour finishes after breakfast tomorrow, although our flight home (via Dubai) doesn't leave until 5 minutes past midnight tomorrow night (Saturday night - or really 5 minutes into Sunday morning!) so we'll have a fair bit of time for more sightseeing during the day tomorrow. Some of the other folks on the trip have to leave for early flights tomorrow so we said our "goodbyes" this evening. We've been very lucky to have such friendly fellow travellers - we've all got on very well indeed with each other.

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