Loving Memories

Granny Jean's  (my Mum) old recliner now installed in Deb and Sam's bedroom, she would be so chuffed. Zion still had a month to go in Deb's belly when she died. Apparently, the blanket behind was knitted by her twin sister, my Auntie Helen. May many more loving memories be made in it...

- quick trot in Newhall with Gill, see extra for a celebration of the first day of autumn
- Paul's help hauling stuff, and Deb making us a delicious and healthy vegetarian dinner
- getting a doctor's appointment re the flare-up of my asthma, and I now get free prescriptions, that was a pleasant surprise!

And, if you haven't watched Greta's speech today, you really should. And then talk about it, and decide how to respond. Zion talked at dinner about how we're destroying the environment. He's five; as Greta says, that's not right.

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