
Sunday, and a quick swing around the area including a market where we picked up a couple of baguettes, as you do, and some of the smelliest goats’ cheese ever. The cloud thickened and just as the train pulled out of Gare du Nord at 13:13, the rain came down. What an excellent few days, we’ve had. 
But a long journey home to rain lashed Edinburgh - we got to Newcastle and the train jolted its way over via Carlisle. Still, we had piles of newsprint, including a Telegraph. There’s Dominic Raab in the centre pages, "We want to be good European neighbours and buccaneering global free traders.” Buccaneers, like licensed pirates? We do? And then the Editorial, “Hard-Left Labour will destroy the UK.” We’ve had three years of chaos, strains on the good Friday agreement and a possible new Scottish referendum and who is it that wants to "destroy" the UK? Yep, that old bogeyman! 

PS extra included as I just love how it appears I'm so adored. And a long overdue reappearance of la chemise rose.

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