Journey Through Time

By Sue

Picasa Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)

I have blipped these guys before, but this is for the Blip Big Year challenge. To add a bit of interest, I messed about in Picasa and did some tricks to make it a bit more interesting. I saw two sparrows in the back yard today and they are ground feeders, but will perch on taller things to do their calls. This one just did his little chip, chip, chip sound. If you want to hear their pretty little song you can go to this site.

The brilliant blue sky days are a thing of the past and it's a bit dreary. Lots of overcast skies with sprinkles/rain. There is talk of snow for later in the week. Probably nothing much that will accumulate, but it might get interesting.

We watched the movie John Carter, which I read in the next day's paper that it was on somebody's top 10 worst movie for 2012. Well, I've seen worse movies. Then last night we watched "Looper", the time travel movie with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis. David and I liked it, but Bill...well...he's not much into jumping around in movies...flashbacks and such, so it wasn't his favorite. I thought they did a good job with the story and the way they made the younger actor look like Bruce Willis was amazing. And there is a child actor in this movie that is just a phenom!

Okay, back to my regularly scheduled program for the day - cleaning! Woo hoo!

Stay well, my friends. Catch ya later.

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