
We had a later start to the day than I'd imagined with two small things in the house. By mid morning Marian and I were talking about what we might do and I'd thought about going to a plus belle village which is not to far away. Marian was helping with children but we thought later in the day we might get out together. When I looked at the weather though, I realised we were going to have thunderstorms by about four so I grabbed the moment and went on my own.

Pérouges is a well preserved medieval village. It may have been founded by a Gallic colony returning from Perugia in Italy. Its restoration started began the early 20th century and it's been used in many films notably The Three Musketeers in 1973 with Michael York.

Being the middle of the day, it was very bright and contrasty for photos but they seem to have come out quite well. I was pleased that there were not too many tourists getting in the way. I imagine it's terribly busy in the high season by the amount of car parking provided.

Most of the sunflower crops are standing in the fields finishing the drying process before they're harvested but I had to stop for a few late ones that are in my extra. I'll add the other shots to my album when I can.

The rain and thunderstorms came in right on cue. It was quite dramatic with some great forked lightning. Sadly, it had all passed by the time the sun had gone down.

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