Never been:-

Either Sea Bright OR USA.
W A Y back in the "hists of mistory", can't remember if it was late junior school or or early grammar school, a few of us were saddled with Pen-pals.
Barry & I corresponded for several years; he visited us at least once either en route to "Summer school" in Switzerland or en route home.
Must have been twice - I remember, once, he walked in out of the garden.
"How did you get there Barry?" said Mam.
In a strong New Yorker accent he replied, in Cumbrian.
"Ah lowped ovver the yat."
He started in/on Staten Island, last known address the above. 
Quite when this fell into my clutches? - "No eye Deer".

Even as recently as early 1970s we had a holiday in Switzerland while he was studying there again.

One of his group was doing IQ tests as part of his project so he turned to me with his WAISS (Wexler Adult Intelligence Scale Set) whereon I got an embarrassingly/ridiculously high score (By US standards I ought to add.) - he claimed I ought to have been at university.
It called to mind a neighbour, (a Teacher) from way back. Having secured a modest 5 "O levels" Harry remarked;-
"HELL! What would you have got if you'd actually WORKED?" 
Reckon I was never cut out to be an academic AND, having seen some of the products of modern education while I was a Lab Tech,  I reckon I had a narrow escape when the tutor asked 
"What steps are you going to take Mr. Kane?"
"Bloody great long ones sir!"
So - here I am.

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