An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Dastardly deeds and dancing...


Up and out early this morning as I had an appointment at PRI for a minor but intrusive procedure.

Once I was gowned (in a gown that could have wrapped around me three times.  Still it made a change from the tiny ones where I feel like the sausage in a sausage roll!) I had go back out of the examination room and sit in the waiting room for a while.  Felt a bit of an eejit in my enormous gown with only one set of ties on it, so clutching it closed to protect my modesty.  Not easy when walking with elbow crutches and wearing only socks!  Thankfully the place was deserted apart from D who I am sure was trying very hard to stifle his laughter! was very sympathetic.

Once back in room, the examination took longer than I thought it would, and it became apparent that not only was the procedure not giving the Doc the answer she was hoping for, it actually wasn't giving her any answer at all.  Hmmmm....some head scratching.

In the end she decided to send me for an ordinary x-ray in the hope that it would provide the answer.  It did.  Hmmm....would have been easier just to do that in the first place.  But then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to swan about the X-ray dept like a straggler from a toga party.

I should say, it's all good.  I am absolutely fine.  Nothing wrong with me.  Just a bit of a sledgehammer of a diagnostic procedure to crack a nut.  But I am very grateful for our NHS and the fact I could get the x-ray done there and then and not have to go back.

When we got home Alan and Andrew were ready to go for a swim.  From the racket coming from the pool room, they clearly had fun.

Andrew was up to his usual hi-jinks before dinner and gave poor Lisa the fright of her life when he screamed her name and she went running to find him brandishing his finger at her.  She turned all shades of grey!  Ashleigh's name was mud for buying him that jokes and pranks set for his birthday 

After dinner the pair of them got smartened up and Lisa took them of to a disco in Stirling.  Going by the photos and videos she sent me, they had a ball.

Back home just after 10pm then David took Andrew home.  But not before he made sure there was a date in the diary for his next visit :-))

Oh and apparently I am now his No 1 for making him malteser slice for his birthday.  I was surprised by this as Ashleigh is always his No.1  

He heard me telling Lisa that I am now his No 1 and quickly returned to tell me there had been a misunderstanding.  Apparently I am not his over-all No 1, that is still Ashleigh.  What he meant is I am his no 1 out of me, David and Lola.


Glad we got that clarified!

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