Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Sunday Hike

This morning was so refreshingly cool that I was determined to get out on a trail to hike just to see how well I could do.   My goal was to walk continuously for three miles (4.8km).  And I did it without any problems!  We walked partly on the old road and then also on the woods trail with its roots and rocks.   As you can see my  left ankle was barely swelling at the end of the hike which is wonderful!    I feel like I am over the last hurdle in this healing process now.    One more trip to the chiropractor this week to make sure the bones in my feet are all where they need to be.   Moving forward from now on!!

Next weekend is the monthly ladies hiking group hike which will be five miles in an area which is considered strenuous hiking mostly because of the uphill area where we begin the hike.   I am going to attempt this hike as the weather for next Saturday is perfect for and sunny.  

A good beginning to this new week!      Hope everyone is having a great day also!

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