The Dairy Show.

Events seem to come round so fast as you get older! It seems no time at all that I was at the Dairy Show last year. Held at the Bath and West Show Ground and run by the Bath and West Society it is the biggest Dairy Show in the country. As always there were some fabulous cattle being shown. My photo is of a Swiss Brown entry. This is a dual purpose breed which is very new to me. They seem to be gaining popularity as a dairy breed.

As last year, I was in charge of the Hospitality Suite for the Judges and Steward. It is a posh was of saying I served tea, coffee and buns all day interspersed with a LOT of washing up! Still it was all fun and nice to see familiar faces again. Judges were international this year with one travelling from Canada!

Mr Tbay also has a role too, but his is far more important than mine! He is a Judge for the Dairy Vet of the Future competition which has it culmination at the Dairy Show. The Tuesday involves interviews with the four finalist, discussing their dissertations and general questioning. The Wednesday afternoon the winner is announced in the main ring and the awards presented to them by the Current Show President. Mr Tbay gives an overview of the finalists and then announces the winner!

After a hard days washing up it was home to grab a quick bite to eat and then out to pottery class. Needless to say I slept very well!

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