When I went to bed last night, I had a very sore throat and it felt as though I'd been eating razor blades.  I didn’t sleep well, so decided to have a PJs and pink robe day, with paracetamols thrown in for good measure.

Mr. HCB went walking with a friend, so I just chilled out and did nothing much, which is quite unusual for me - perhaps I should start taking the Metatone again. 

Just after 5 p.m. my throat is still sore and I now have a pounding headache, so think it will be an early night for me then hopefully I will be all right to go into the Radio Station tomorrow for Girls About Town.  

Please join me during 
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By clicking HERE
So that those who are not able to pay
Can have a free mammogram. 

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, 
     so the only thing to really be afraid of 
          is if you don’t go get your mammograms.”
Cynthia Nixon - Actress

P.S.  A dear Blip friend sent a Wentworth Jigsaw puzzle to Mr. HCB - it took him a while to finish it, as there was no defined edge and he decided, as an extra challenge, to do it without looking at the picture on the box - I’ve put a photograph in as an extra.  He says he will do it again sometime - he certainly has more patience than I have!

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