Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This day's been going so fast! My work hours just flew past me... I had lots to do. First cleaning the toilettes (we have one week of cleaning, two colleagues, each), then packing plastic boxes with soil, rich in earth (don't know the exact word but it's fluffier than ordinary flower/veggi soil), placing tulip bulbs in the soil and pushing them down a bit. After that we covered the bulbs with gravel and moved the not so light box to a large pushcart. After filling the pushcart with the heavy boxes they were transported to Greenhouse 2 for a while. I've carried both boxes and large bags of soil today, so my stomach muscles have gotten a workout! :D I'm using my core muscles when carrying heave things.
In the middle of all this, two of my colleagues were making oil scented with Calendula flower petals, and of course I wanted to help, watch and take photos. I think this oil will be used in some kind of ointment later, I hope so anyway!  

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