Life with a puppy is not easy

Not the best day of my life?!

Went out for about 45 mins this morning for a bit of a trek around on my lead. Then I got left 'home alone' while my very lovely owner, Ann, went to do a 'Meet & Greet' and then she went for a swim. While I was 'home alone' I chewed some more of the kitchen wall. Why do I do this? I NEVER chew inappropriate things when Ann is in the house with me. According to Ann, it's very annoying and not something that a little 11 month old puppy should still be doing. When Ann first adopted 'MollyCollie' she used to chew loads, Molly not Ann lol but she learnt very quickly that chewing wasn't appropriate behaviour. I'm pretty clever so why haven't I learnt this yet? I don't do it all the time. In fact I've not chewed for a while. But every time that Ann thinks that I'm ready to have my crate taken away, I do something to let myself down?? The easiest option while I'm 'home alone' would be to shut me in my crate. But then how will I learn how to behave out-with my crate if I don't practise?

Problems, problems.

This afternoon I went to the park. Going to the park involves walking for 20 mins on my lead first. I was in 'excitable, friendly mode' so I tried to 'jump up' at about 6 people en-route. When I do this, Ann says, 'No jumping' and she pulls me down by my lead so I don't actually manage to jump up at anyone. But when I'm in the park, I'm off my lead (and usually I'm wet because I've been in the burn) and I tend to do 'jumping up' at random people. This is harder for Ann to control. When she anticipates that I'm going to 'jump up' she shouts, 'Trixie, no jumping'. I know what that means and I try my hardest not to jump. But quite often dog walkers will say that they don't mind. They think I'm really cute and encourage me to 'jump up' because they want to make a fuss of me because they think I'm the cutest little puppy ever. Obviously. Ann tells them I'm 'in training' and that she doesn't want them to speak to me until I have all four paws on the floor. But it doesn't seem to make much difference to them. I bet it would if they were out for a walk in white linen trousers and I'd just been wallowing in mud?! Grrrrrr...............

Problems, problems.

Anyway I had a lovely time in the park. I played for ages with a 2 year old black Lab that liked playing as much as I do. We played and we played and we played. But when we got to the end of the park he had to go home. Boohoo. We always walk to the end of the park along one side of the burn and then cross over the bridge and walk back along the other side. It was then that I found a manky old tennis ball. Yay!

But then do you know what happened?.............................. I was so busy running around with my newly found manky old tennis ball that I wasn't looking where I was going. I ran right in front of a jogger, and very good looking he was too, he tripped over me and fell smash, bang, onto the path. Ann was absolutely mortified. She didn't know what to do. It's not often she has a gorgeous guy lying at her feet. Lol?! What could she do? Ask him if he was OK?   Which he said he was. But he had blood dripping down his leg because he'd grazed his knee. Anyway we're just so grateful that he was lovely about it. A horrible person might have decided to sue Ann because she had an 'out of control' dog??!!

If any of you Edinburgh Blippers know of a jogger who tripped over a puppy in Braidburn Valley Park at about 3.30pm this afternoon, please tell him we're very sorry and we'll try not to let it happen again.

Problems, problems.


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