Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Blending in...

It's not often that a bird who is bright red/orange can blend in...but at this exact time, his feathers are a perfect complement to the colors of the leaves on our two little cherry trees.  Honestly, once he'd landed, you'd be hard pressed to spot him in there.  He is the male of the last 3 youngsters who hatched so late this year.  Haven't seen the two juvenile females for a while, so hoping they've survived.  Soon, this fellow will be molted into his adult plumage - you can already see his little black mask starting to come in.

I had several enjoyable hours in the hide today ... after a less than enjoyable hour at the dentist having teeth cleaned and scheduling some additional work (yuck).  Then, Hubs and I tucked out to the gym - day 3 this week for me, so I'm right on track.  Last week I totally missed my goal of 5 days, having only gotten 3 completed.  This week, I'll hit the goal.  

In addition to this lovely cardinal, there were cedar waxwings, song and white-throated sparrows, house finches, downy and red bellied woodpeckers, tufted titmice, blue jays and mourning doves.  And more chipmunks than I've ever seen!  They completely cleaned out two feeders in less than two hours, little scamps.  Luckily, I just came home with a 40 pound bag of sunflower seeds.  

Three more photos on Flickr, starting HERE

Still have myself on a limited news diet. I just can't stand all the name-calling and vitriole.  I have to ask myself - how in the hell did we get to this point???

By the way, I am hosting TinyTuesday next month, so stay tuned for details.  I expect to be seeing stuff from all of you!


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