Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Slow Down!

I decided to drive to Newcastle to buy the mount board I need for my panel (ARPS advisory day in November). Mum decided she had been housebound for too long, so she came too.

We eventually escaped from the house in late morning. The picture framer is on the quayside, so after I bought the mount board and a few other bits and pieces, we went to The Hub for a cuppa. (I had a bacon sandwich.....)

Before we returned to the car, we looked along the river towards the Millennium and the Tyne Bridges. I suddenly noticed the wreckage of a boat in the river beside the pier and had to include it.

Mum loved having her new glasses in the car. I've adjusted them to make them more comfortable and the next stage to ask for a bifocal pair to be made, so she can do embroidery again. We hope that will work.

Now I have to think where to put the TV which has been vanquished from her lounge. We could do with a trolley so it could be wheeled in and out when required, but it will need to be plugged in.......... Solutions will have to be found.

Suddenly I was very tired. Our internet keeps coming and going. A nice man called David ("cool", "no problem", etc.) tested everything and found no problem so an engineer will be dispatched on Saturday between 0800 and 1300. If it is a fault at our end, we have to pay. How do we know whose "fault" it is?

Watch this space.

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