Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Think *PINK*

The morning flew today! G finished at 11 and I worked from my Lebanese café. We headed straight to Festival City to return an item at Carrefour and also to buy doughnuts for tonight.

Krispy Kreme's ended up being the default supplier because Dunkin' Donuts are closed for renovation. I thought I'd got a 2 for 1 deal on a dozen doughnuts, but it turns out it was 2 for 1 on 20 mini doughnuts. This worked out to our favour as we ended up having 25 kids and 5 helpers at AWANA! It's too big a group methinks.

Anyway, it went well enough. Too many things to do, too little time. Add easily distracted, undisciplined kids to the mix and you've got yourself a real challenge. G coped well. We actually had doughnuts left over from the forty!!

We had an impromptu meal with two of the helpers, at a nearby restaurant. We chatted away and then suddenly realised it was 11:30. Yikes!

My blip is of Cyndi, a shop assistant we walked past on our way to collect the doughnuts. She was busy putting on foundation. I noticed her T-shirt, so stopped to ask if I could take a picture of her. She was more than happy to promote BCAM. :)

I'm doing this from my phone, so will have to come back to post the link to the BCAM website.

Edit: Could you please click here to help donate free mammograms? Thank you! :D

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