…..or put another way, i.e. not in Roman Numerals, 2,500 Blips - and without missing a single day!  I am thrilled to have got this far and to have met so many lovely people, mostly online, but also many in person and you have all enriched my life in some way or another.

I know that my journals are sometimes quite long, but that’s because I enjoy writing and also because it doesn’t take me that long because I am still a fast typist, despite the issues with my fingers.  If you choose not to read all that I write in my journal, then that’s fine, but if you do and you enjoy reading it, then I’m happy.

As you probably know, I try and find a suitable quote each day, which probably takes just as long as typing out the journal and then, of course, there is the feeling of “I could take a better photograph” when I see the result on my computer screen, so off I go again, to try and get that elusive shot.  

However, today, having asked Mr. HCB if he would model for me, I took quite a few and was pleased with all of them - this one is SOOC and because today is a celebratory Blip, I have found two quotes, which I hope you will enjoy.

But however much I play around, write my journal and have fun, I am hugely indebted to all of you who visit each day, leave stars and hearts and encourage me in so many ways.  Blip is a great community and I thoroughly enjoy the interaction on here - so thank you to all of you and those who keep this site up and running.

I must also pay tribute to my long-suffering and wonderful husband, Mr. HCB, without whom a great many of my photographs just wouldn’t be taken.  He is my chauffeur, my critic, my super-model (and what a great sport to agree to have his photograph taken today holding not only a teddy bear but also a bunch of bananas!) but above all, my best friend - and I look forward to many more years with him at my side.  The Blip account may just be in my name, but he is as much part of this wonderful community as I am because after all, my subscription does come out of our joint account!

So thank you everyone for everything.  I think you are a great bunch - and Mr. HCB and JH Ted think so too!

“How is a banana peel on the floor like music?
     Because if you don’t C sharp you’ll B flat.”

“Seize the moment; 
     remember all those women on the ‘Titanic’
          who waved off the dessert cart.” 
Erma Bombeck

P.S. From JH Ted - knowing that this was a very special day for Mrs. HCB, I couldn’t pass up the chance to be “in on the act”!

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