But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Lift Limit.

I’ve been away from here too long; so long, in fact, that my Blipfoto subscription has run out – something that I shall remedy tomorrow. Why have I been absent for so long? Several reasons: firstly, the bees and bee politics have taken up a lot of time; second, for some inexplicable reason I have been appointed president of the camera club which comes, in my case, with the responsibility of teaching new members (and some not so new ones) how to use a camera and post-processing software; and last but not least, Mrs TD has been rather ill for most of the year with her problems steadily worsening. A week ago, the NHS decided that the poor girl had had enough and, after her fifth (or was it sixth) emergency hospital admission, she should receive some treatment. Thus it was that, last week, they removed a small portion of her anatomy. As my father, with his strange sense of humour (a genetic trait), would have said, “She no longer has quite enough intestines to make six skipping ropes.”
This afternoon, I went to collect her and bring her home. Although I’ve been visiting the hospital daily for three out of the last four weeks, I had not noticed this load limit on the lifts; you would need to be very friendly with the other 32 occupants if you were in when it was full. In fact, one of my fellow travellers made the point that she wouldn’t be one of twenty, let alone 33. It annoys me that the weight limit is expressed in the non-existent units of “Kgs”, it should, of course, be “kg” – just as it annoys me when any of the media refers to  a sum like “£5m” which, as any engineer or scientist will tell you, is half a penny.
There, aren’t you glad that I’m back? Though I'm afraid that it will be a wee while before I’m back posting regularly.

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