
By Veronica

The rain in Spain

... is fairly scanty. It did rain for a few minutes today, allowing some wet flower photos in the garden. Spanish class as usual this morning, during which Mariano gave us a crash course on all the Spanish kings and queens since the Reyes Catolicos in 1492, complete with various details about their personal lives ("His wrist was as thick as his wife's thigh!"). Amazing how much knowledge he keeps in his head; it was completely unprepared and he didn't have to look anything up.

In the evening we were at the Casa de la Cultura again to see a French film, Le Mystère Henri Pick. Unfortunately it meant that for the second time we had to endure iconic French actor Fabrice Luchini being dubbed into Spanish; it's just not right. On the upside, we understood almost everything and easily followed the plot, unlike the last time we went to a Spanish language film. It was quite entertaining, as an eminent literary critic (played by Luchini of course) chases around Brittany and Paris trying to unmask the author of an extraordinary novel alleged to have been written by a deceased pizza maker who was never witnessed writing anything other than shopping lists. Good acting and a good rapport between Luchini and Camille Cottin, who played the pizzaiolo's daughter.

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