Capital adventures

By marchmont


A photo of a photo.  The original had too few pixels for blip and obviously not one I took as it was taken this morning at the Cenotaph in KL.  #1 son wears a Scottish poppy.  It's beside the Malaysian National War Memorial, a place I've never been in over 8 years of going to Malaysia.  i was going to go last time, next time?

Here, I went swimming and once home I put some plants in bags, I put some things to be returned in other bags, I ordered more bags. And now I'm doing flat, Choir and College admin.  I've had a wee side trip to family history too.  Outside it is freezing and pretty wintry.

I did catch the 2 minute silence and first wreath laying on BBC1 this a.m.  Am I the only person that thinks that our PM looked scruffy laying his wreath?  And he didn't seem to be able to stand still and concentrate during the silence.  Maybe that's just me, a grumpy older woman. 

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