Capital adventures

By marchmont


Woke up fully at 8.15 and I was in the pool by 8.37.30. Not sure I was fully awake.

Home for breakfast and then brought my College diary up to date, taking into account time differences. That required some maths.

Funny day, warmer than last weekend but not balmy. And very overcast but dry so I cycled to E's with a shawl and the sweets. Bit of chat with her and another friend and then home. Spent a couple of hours in the garden, more chopping back. I'm being ruthless this year although did manage to pull up plants by mistake which I then had to replant. It's always a sad time of year as the garden dies back and slows down, although there are already signs of bulbs emerging.

My plans for this afternoon were cancelled yesterday and I am supposed to be going out tonight but somehow I don't think I will. It's dreich, not really an evening to pretend I'm enjoying myself.

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