
I’ve been getting hassle from one of the neighbours, who’s got a particular way of demanding that others do her bidding that riles me not inconsiderably. This has to do with the residents group and a planning application that she likes not one bit. But which others are less aggravated by. Obviously I have a fine line to tread, especially as the application is by one of the other neighbours. The diplomatic line is simply to notify the wider group of the application and leave it up to them as to whether they wish to object. My ears will be burning. I’d be more concerned if she was actually staying here rather than selling up (the real cause of her ire). I checked my blood pressure afterwards.
So, morning, a meet up with the SK’s old Uni pal, red Ron. He’d not long returned from an event down in Devon - a farewell celebration of life thing for an old girlfriend who was heading to Dignitas. Tough one, but he himself was actually looking good and in good fettle. His Unison retired members committee sounds less stressful than a residents association.
And much later, footy at Tynie - I do remember the days where Livingston were well beneath us. Oh Lord, it’s an unhappy place these days. And who signed some of these imposters? Damour? A four year contract??? But hey, we got a point, and then the beer worked its magic. 

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