One click at a time

By KeithKnight

January Daily Challenge - An Ordinary Moment

Day 15 of Neet's January daily challenge - An ordinary moment: Choose an ordinary moment and capture it. Is it you grabbing your daily coffee? Or playing with the kids? Or something that you do often and consider it as kinda ordinary?

Had a number of thoughts about something ordinary, stopped at traffic lights, stuck in traffic, all sorts of things that happen everyday, but instead I've gone for something that happens at least once a month, normally more.

I got home to find some post and the ubiquitous red card telling me that there was a packet waiting for me at the local sorting office. I know what this one is, it's my latest UPP folio, posted to me yesterday and which I should manage to collect from the PO one evening this week, traffic permitting.

A quick blip today as I'm off to my camera club to do part 1 of the Colour Management sessions that I started preparing for on Jan 1.

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