Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Tiny Trimmings

Having gotten their tree yesterday, the Tinies would keen to decorate it this afternoon.  The freshly fallen cotton balls snow were a nice touch and I think we can all agree that the Tinies did an excellent job.  Even Beauregard was on hand to memorialize the event with his camera (a Nikon, natch).  

Nice long chat with my parents this morning who were heading out to find some geo caches later in the morning.  They were in good spirits.

Hubs is prepping for the dreaded colonoscopy today - never fun.  I have been trying to sneak food when he isn't around so the fasting won't be quite so difficult.  

I am now able to walk around the house (slowly and in a lumbering fashion) without crutches, walker or knee scooter.  I have also learned how to use a single crutch and will use that when I am out for added stability.  The boot is awkward and I need to go very slowly to avoid losing my balance and crashing.  Still, it is a wonderful feeling to be able to move about more freely.  I cautiously went out to the patio briefly today to put some peanuts out - bliss!

From our deck, I had a chance to see the damage to the big maple tree that is next to our house.  It lost what looks to be 7 very large limbs in the recent storm, in addition to some damage that it sustained 8 or so years ago.  I suspect that we will need to have it taken down as I don't see how it will be able to survive with such major damage.  It is ripe for insects now with so much exposed raw wood.   We'll see.

Okay, the Tinies want to sing some Christmas carols now, so I'm off.

Happy Sunday.


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