Sun and short days

After days of sunless gloom, grey skies and rain we woke up to a clear sky and and frost - what a relief, what a raiser of the spirits.

We had to be in town just before 11 o'clock to visit the police station and organise the renewal of our passports. After 10 minutes a machine had taken my photograph and index fingerprints, and accepted my signature before finally showing me all my information (Was it correct? Yes it was.) and how my new passport would look. (Was I satisfied? - Yes I was.) In about a week I get an sms to say I can collect my new Swedish passport at the same police station.
After that surprisingly pleasant interlude Jan went off to hunt for beauty in the charity shops and I went off to hunt for beauty down by the sea under the blue sky. I think the blip (and extra) shows that I found it.
The picture was taken minutes after midday so this is the highest the sun is going today. Days are so short just now I felt justified in tagging the picture with "sunrise" and "sunset" even though it's lunch time. Speaking of lunch we ate in town and then came home juast as it got dark.
I was working on some technical problems when one of my UK friends contacted me with questions  about sourdough baking. This led to a structuring of all the information I had scattered through my computer, and then to a lot of time on YouTube looking at bread baking videos!    Not quite as much fun as baking IRL but still enjoyable.
This is a lovely video, only 4 minutes long, of a French "pavé" being baked. The music is French, there is no speaking, and the only important Swedish text says "Wait 24 hours" and then "Another 24 hours". Watch and enjoy the artistry of film making and baking.

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