The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Calm between the storms

The wind was blowing a hoolie when I got up, but had to go downtown to try and get pheromones or 'calm down' remedies for Bomble, who's been stressed, and spraying indoors. Christmas had got to him, too!

By the time I got out, the skies had cleared and I enjoyed a calm walk to town. Carollers were singing in the Merrywalks centre (still being renovated), and in Wilko's I bumped into C, who invited us over for a Boxing Day chill out. At the pet shop I met the most amazing entrepreneurial man, who has taken over the pet shop and started a highly popular gaming club, amongst other things. He sold me some valerian products for Bomble.

I walked home (it might have been raining by then) via the charity shop, and administered the valerian to Bomble. He followed us around demanding food, miaowing loudly at closed doors, and so on (fairly typical behaviour) for about two hours, then fell asleep, and has been chilled ever since, for around ten hours.

After lunch, we wrapped our presents, and I watched The Tailor of Gloucester on DVD. I'd already made the family- recipe Choffee Ice Cream and popped it in the freezer. (I see from Social media that my brother R in NZ has already made his batch, and sister TML will be making hers on boxing Day).

Steve's sister R arrived, and a while after that I went to a candlelit carols service at St Laurence's, Stroud, with my friend J. Beautiful service, but I seem to be singing third part now (the part below alto, and I always wanted to be a soprano so I could sing the descant! I used to think sopranos were prettier, too....)

We had supper, a bit of TV, then R went to bed. Steve and I are now watching The Turn of the Screw. Creepy in the extreme. We've now watched all the Christmas episodes of Frasier, and Bomble is as chilled as an Antarctic penguin.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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