French Corner

This morning I didn’t allow myself to do anything interesting until I’d completed a donor report that has been hanging over me like a bad smell. I did it whilst sitting on a bench with a coffee and a nice view. Cue a load being lifted.

Then I drove for around an hour to Franschhoek (literally: French Corner in Afrikaans) in the Cape Winelands region, which is a popular spot on the tourist trail for wine farms and posh restaurants. I’m ambivalent about wine and fine food is wasted on me, but I was lured here anyway due to the stunning scenery.

The drive was amazing: completely full of rugged beauty, arid mountain slopes, pine forest patches, random sandy zones, reservoirs, bursts of green, orange rocks, dramatic passes and expansive views. Franschhoek is perfect for sedate wandering as every direction out of the town is dominated by stunning mountains. This churchyard was a perfect place to pause in the early evening sun before I went back to the guesthouse to do a little planning for next steps. Thanks must go to Michelle for all of the insider tips.

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