My Big Project

For most of this year I have been trawling through the many thousands of photos I have taken over the last 12 years, picking out shots that were special, or interesting, or something I want to remember. These I have transferred to my iPad Mini and arranged them so that they are easy to find. So far I have collected nearly 4000 shots. The job is not done yet.

Along the way I have rediscovered images that I like, but which for one reason or another I did not blip. Before Extra Shots I often had to choose one shot over another favourite to blip. Since I have a lot of extra shots left over I thought I’d add a few of these for the day they were taken, if you are interested.

Each one is the extra shot for the day.

SP in mirror with mountains.  

Level crossing abstract. 

Sun halo in the mountains.  

Two dignified ladies. 

Fog drifting down to the river.  

A blue tractor in landscape.  

Waimakariri tree at dawn.  

Pool abstract.  

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