Day 2 of 365 days wild

Today was day two of the 365 days of wild. Yesterday’s guidance was to prepare a diary and I have a ready made one here to today my son and I started. We needed to find our local patch – somewhere we can go regularly – and to use our senses to listen, see and feel what is there. My son had a clear idea of where he wanted to go so we wandered there which was only a few minutes walk from our house in some woodland. On our way there we heard birds, which he identified as pigeons, gulls and magpies, and in the woodland we found a little stream that lead to a small lake. The water was flowing quite quickly so we noticed the sounds of the water. Also we paid attention to the leaves under foot, crunching as we walked and there was a lot of green ivy on the ground too.

The trees were interesting textures, some smooth, some rough, and my son pointed out the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. We saw a leafy plant that I couldn’t identify which is in my collage – perhaps someone can help?

It was a lovely little walk of discovery and I think my son could have stayed there all evening!

On the way back we stopped to pick some dandelion leaves for Taya the Tortoise who is doing very well!

Aside from our walk I was up early this morning to run before work and covered 8 miles in the dark! I am listening to a very good book called Discovery of Witches, which was made into a tv film but I haven’t seen it. I love listening to books on my runs, although it is also nice to just run and listen to the sounds of nature sometimes. After my run I did my meditation before heading to the office. It is quite nice to be eased in gently as I have one more day before the weekend!

This evening I have cooked up some soup with left over vegetables so I will be enjoying that tomorrow for lunch! I am quite tired after my early start this morning. I didn’t sleep well I think in anticipation of having to get up for work! So I hope that tonight I sleep a lot better!

I hope you have all had a lovely day

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