Personal slave

Berry made full use of LD when we dropped over to see her this evening! This was later on; she has been very restless and a bit chewy most of the time which pretty much sums up her bolshy mind set today. Ah well, she has moods like the rest of us!

Thankfully, LD is improving but incredibly tired still. She's a sensible grown up these days but I can't help worrying.

We collected the grandfather clock movement from the wonderful chap that's just repaired it and spent a while in his Aladdin's cave admiring the other varied and beautiful old clocks and barometers. So much craftsmanship and skill. I particularly liked the barometer that had 'Much Rain' as one of its calibrations!

Actually, today has been reasonably decent in that it's been dry. However, the golf course was closed (unsurprising!) so no ladies' golf today. Disappointing as I've now not played for more than a month and need to remind myself what that little white ball looks like.

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